Tuesday, April 30

Top 'nanas! (SurveyMonkey)

Why Hello there! Long time, no blog post hey? I'm just sitting here on the end of my bed, gazing out my window absentmindedly, and oh! what is that I see? I'll give you a clue. They're noisy, athletic, they make a mess and they are a sign that summer is coming!! Any guesses?

That's right! They're swallows!!! Woop woop.

They're great to watch and to think, they have come all the way from far off lands, bringing the sun with them! Oh what sights they must've seen.

Anywho, deviating... I wanted to draw your attention to a survey I have created today on Survey Monkey and I would really appreciate it if you had a look and filled it in. You don't have to include any personal information, just your gender and age if you want to, and its just about Jewellery. I made it to help me with my college course, so I know what to make etc.

It would make me squeal out loud with delight if I got at least 5 responses!! :3

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen a tweet that mentioned a crafty DIY using maps and Modpodge. This is still in production, so look out for it heading your way!! The photos are done, just need to write about it :D

Follow me on twitter for all my juicy gossip with a few secrets thrown in! Right...here!

Oh! And you might like the link for the survey, mightn't you? Teehee :P That be...here!

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it. :D

Take care.
Alice x

Tuesday, April 2

Beach Memory Jar

The summer holidays are something long to be desired during the cold winter days so why not ignite those bliss memories with this super easy memory jar!

All you need is a fancy glass jar. It could be any size or shape, just anything that you have to hand. I got mine from a friend. If you only have an empty marmalade jar then you could paint the lid or cover it in glitter if you wanted.

Then fill the jar half full with sand collected from the beach you visited in the summer or plan to visit this year.

Next, neatly arrange your beach-combed shells and pebbles in the sand.

Pop the lid back on (you could glue it on for maximum security if you wish) and Ta-da! You have a beautiful jar filled with memories you can now relive over and over. Place it somewhere sunny, like on a windowsill in your bathroom or kitchen so it can shine and be enjoyed!

Tweet me your versions if you try it!! @StarAliseCrafts