Tuesday, July 30

Tip Top Tuesdays #4

Hello there! This Tip Top Tuesday caught me out by surprise, I can't believe how fast 2 weeks goes by!

Today's Top Tip is a very quick one and it is something I worked on today. My crafty corner was getting a bit loaded down with rolls of wallpaper and wrapping paper shoved everywhere and, to be honest, it was driving me crazy because I have a kind of OCD when it comes to organisation. I'm not a very tidy person but I have to be organised, everything has to have its place. So naturally, I needed somewhere to store all these rolls of paper. And this is what I came up with:

Store wrapping paper and wallpaper rolls in a circular bin!
It's that simple and it looks really neat and you can see all the rolls you have and how much you have.
As you can see I have a roll of brown paper which, I must add, is essential in anyone's craft room. Presents always look better in it because its not fancy and it makes the gift even more of a surprise. Plus, it can be glammed up with ribbon, sparkles, or stamps. Sorry, just thought I'd get that in there!! :D 
Thanks for reading and I'll catch you soon with another How To!

Saturday, July 27

Just a quickie: Bloglovin'

Hey guys! It's just a quickie today because I have a super busy weekend planned. Just to say that I now have a Bloglovin' account so you can follow me on there! If you just look for StarAlise or www.craftyalise.blogspot.co.uk you should find me :) or I will try and include a link to it on the bottom of this page. Alternatively, click the box to the side of this post!

So what do you have to look forward to? Well, my next couple of posts include my Tip Top Tuesdays, how to wrap a cylindrical pressie and my Bead Fair Haul!!

Stay Tuned!
Alice xxx

Thursday, July 18

Tip Top Tuesdays #3

In my first Tip Top Tuesday post (found here), I didn't mention anything about these top tips all relating to crafts now, did I? Teehee, crafty by name, crafty by nature! Anyway, today I will be sharing a top tip that I found on the amazing virtual-hoarding site that is Pinterest.

It is:

To find out whether your freezer has turned off and then come back on again when you've been away, which would thaw and then refreeze your food  (not good as it will make you ill), fill a glass jar with about an inch or two of water, then lay it on its side in the freezer until it freezes. Once frozen, stand it upright.

If your freezer does play tricks on you, you can catch it out by referring back to the glass jar. The frozen water will now be at the bottom of the jar and not frozen to the side.


Simple, quick, and inexpensive! Save ya a few bob on food as well.

Tuesday, July 16

I'm Sorry

I'm really sorry but there wont be a tip top Tuesday today because I'm not very well. I will try and get it up as soon as poss and I hope you will understand. I'm sorry. :(

Wednesday, July 10

How to make: Antique Map Coasters

Hello crafty minions! Today I am going to talk through something I made a couple of weeks back for my brother. He likes old maps you see and I picked up on this craft craze and decided to try it out for myself.

To make some vintage-looking map coasters, you will need:
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • An existing coaster (Psst! Nick one from the living room!)
  • Used soggy teabag
  • Sandpaper
  • A map
  • Ageing/Antique Varnish (optional)
  • Modpodge (there is no substitute I'm afraid. If you don't have some or can't find any, then, as a last resort, use PVA but I would really suggest getting some because it is more than just a glue; it adheres, seals and finishes.)
  • Now you can either use cork board like I have, or you could use pre-made cork coasters (I found some on Ebay for you here) or you could buy some old coasters from the charity shop to re-cover.
This tutorial will be for making some coasters from scratch.

Lets get started!!

The first thing you need to do is to trace around your existing coasters onto the cork board, of course you could do this freehand too. Then carefully cut them out.

Now I found the edges to be rough and uneven so that's why I've suggested to use sandpaper to smooth these edges down. I also rounded the corners for safety. This makes a big mess so I suggest sanding the coasters onto a sheet of paper or cloth to catch all the bits.

Place your coaster onto your map (I got mine from the charity shop for about £1) and trace around it. You could chose a map with special locations on for you to make it personal. Then cut it out.


Then glue it! :) Simples eh?


Rub the wet tea bag over the coasters and wait for it to soak up, whilst you make yourself a fresh cuppa!

Keep layering up the tea stain to build depth and make it look antique. Equally, now would be the time to paint on a layer of antique varnish.

Then, once that is dry, paint with a final layer of modpodge to seal in your creation and make it more waterproof and durable. I would also paint the edges of the cork to avoid the map coming away from the coaster.

Leave to dry overnight and voila! An antique, vintage-looking coaster made with your own hands!

Foolishly, I sent them away to my brother before taking a proper picture, sorry!

If you decide to make your own version of this design, then please send me it over twitter or email! I'd love to see them!

Thanks! See ya soon!

Tuesday, July 2

Tip Top Tuesdays #2

Woop woop, second in the series! Here it is, just a quickie:

If you are right handed, have your desk lamp/light source (i.e a window) to your left. Or if you are left handed, have it on your right. This will mean a shadow will not be cast over your work as you work.

Ta daa! Next one in 2 weeks!